Bowen Boyack of KBN: Tell me about yourself and what inspired you to get this job as a Band Director at Conway Springs.
Dennis Kerr: This is my 37th year teaching, having taught in Wichita, KS, Goddard Middle and High Schools, Blackwell, OK High School and the last 21 years here in Conway Springs. I have both a Bachelors and Masters degree in Music Education from Wichita State University, been the past president of the Kansas Bandmasters Association, am the Marching Contest Coordinator for KBA, and am about ready to finish my tenure as the co-chairman of the KMEA 1234A All State band along with my wife, Ellen, who co-chairs it with me!
I was actually approached by the administration at Conway to see if I would be interested in looking at their position. Conway Springs had just moved into a new High School and had had 3 directors in the previous 4 years. I was good friends with the head football coach (who recommended they contact me) and I saw a challenge with a supportive administration and decided to take a shot at building a program.
BB: Tell me a little bit about the Band Program here at CSHS.
DK: Twenty-one years ago, I started this program with 17 students in the High School. Since then, we have maintained a 25-35% enrollment in the high school and start about 90% of the 5th grade students on an instrument. We have maintained a very high quality throughout our program and receive outstanding ratings consistently. The High School Band is currently on a streak of 15 I ratings in a row at State Large Ensemble Festival. The Middle school has consistently ranked at the top of the Central Plains Middle School league as well. Even though our student population continues to fall each year, we have been able to maintain a large and very enthusiastic interest for Instrumental Music in Conway Springs.
BB: What inspired your musical selections this year for marching band?
DK: Our musical selections are inspired by our students and our audience. We do not do a competitive marching show so we change music every game and perform 2 new selections each game. We try to keep up with top 100, Classic rock, and some country as well. Occasionally we will include some musical theater selections for variety.
BB: Tell me about the upcoming trips you will be taking within the next 3-4 years.
DK: Every 4 years since 2000 we take a spring trip to Orlando Florida to perform at Disney World. In 2020 we will be taking our trip. We spend 6 Days at Disney, Universal and the Beach in addition to our performance. It will be the last trip that I am planning before my anticipated retirement. I’m hoping to make it special for all of the students that plan to travel!
BB: What concert band repertoire are your bands playing this year? When are your upcoming performances?
DK: For our Festival Pieces we are playing Where the Sun Breaks through the Mist by Michael Sweeney and When the Stars Began to Fall arranged by Fred Allen. Our Spring concert, in may will have Selections from Les Miserables and a couple of other very upbeat fun pieces to play. We have our League and State Festival Band performances in March and April and we have our “Bands in Review” in May where we start with the 5th grade band, the 6th grade band, 7th & 8th grade band, High School Band and the Grand Finale with all grades playing together. This will be the 21st edition of that concert and it is something that the whole community looks forward to!
BB: Looking forward to 2019, any plans for your band that you would be willing to share?
DK: As I mentioned earlier we will be focusing on our Spring trip to Orlando in March of 2020 but mostly just the opportunity to make great music with some of the best students in the school!
Thank you, Dennis. Best of luck to you and the CSHS bands in the future.