Bowen Boyack: What inspired you to get this job as a Band Director at Wichita East?
Maranda Wilson: I grew up in Wichita, and wanted to move back to this area after graduate school.
BB: Tell me a little bit about the Band Program here at WEHS.
MW: The program is about 150 students in 2 bands that meet in separate hours; Varsity band and Jr. Varsity band. JV is mostly freshmen, but not all. The JV band does not march in the half time show, but marches pre-game and plays in the stands. We have the Varsity band split into a Symphonic Band and a Wind Ensemble for festival performances this year. I have a co-teacher, Carla Chapman, who works with me for the 2 band hours each day. I also teach a jazz ensemble during the school day.
BB: What inspired your musical selections this year for marching band?
MW: I had come up with the idea to do a take on a “dream” theme, and then started finding music that fit with my concept. I like to mix genres, so this year’s show included music from Cirque du Soleil, Brahms, and Aerosmith. My budget doesn’t allow for an arranger, so I do a lot of arranging as well as drill writing myself.
BB: What competitions did you go to this marching season and what ratings/scores did you get?
MW: This year we did K-State’s Central States Festival and Neewollah. We received all “one” ratings at both.
BB: Tell me about the upcoming trips you will be taking within the next 3-4 years.
MW: We are currently on a bus heading to Orlando for a Disney trip. We take a trip every 2 years, and Disney every 4 years. I haven’t yet decided where we will go in 2021.
BB: What concert band repertoire are your bands playing this year? When are your upcoming performances?
MW: For upcoming festivals, the Concert band is playing “Antecedium” by Huckaby, and “Zia Zia” by Claude T. Smith. The Symphonic band is playing “Summer Resounding” by Balmages, and “Bonds of Unity” by King. The Wind Ensemble is playing “Elegy for a Young American” by Lo Presti, and “Incidental Suite” by Claude T. Smith.
BB: Looking forward to 2019, any plans for your band that you would be willing to share?
MW: We are continuing to grow and push ourselves to higher expectations. I am hoping to switch up the marching competitions and do something new this coming year, but I haven’t made any decisions yet.
Thank you, Maranda. Best of luck to you and the WEHS band on your travels to Orlando and your further endeavors.