8:20a - Osborne Jr. Sr. High Concert Band
[2717] Park Street Celebration
In Heaven's Air - Hazo
8:40a - Lakeside HS Band [2893] Sparks
Romanseque - Swearingen
9:00a - Clifton-Clyde HS Concert Band
[4427] Appalachian Morning
Abandoned Treasure Hunt
9:40a - Blue Valley Randolph 6th-12th Grade Combined Concert Band
[2660] Brandon Bay
Noble Heritage
10:00a - Linn School Band
[2643] Abington Ridge
Alamo March
10:20a - Ell-Saline Sr. High Band
[2848] Lethbridge Overture
Amparita Roca - Texidor; Arr. Fagan
10:40a - Valley Hts. HS Band
[2828] Heatherwood Portrait
Romanesque - Swearingen
11:00a - Frankfort Band
[2653] Ashton Overture
The Billboard March
11:20a - Bennington HS Band
[3971] Cumberland Cross
Air for Band - Erickson
11:40a - Washington Co. Band
[2750] Willow Grove
Air for Band by Frank Erickson
1:20p - Minneapolis HS Band
[2836] Into The Storm
Ammerland by Jacob de Haan
1:40p - Ellsworth HS Band
[3648] Amparito Roca
Cumberland Cross by Carl Stromman
2:40p - Beloit HS Concert Band
[3815] First Suite in E-flat for Military Band
Chorale and Shaker Dance
3:00p - Marysville HS Band
[3534] An American Elegy
Darklands March - Standridge
3:20p - Riley Co. HS Concert Band
[2836] Into The Storm
On a Hymnsong of Philip Bliss- Holsinger, D.
3:40p - Clay Center Community HS Tigerband
[3639] Rough Riders
Shadow Dancer - Oare
4:00p - Wamego HS Concert Band
[2917] Variations on "Scarborough Fair"
Military Escort March
4:20p - Rock Creek HS Band
[2785] By Loch and Mountain
Rough Riders - King, Arr. Swearingen
4:40p - Concordia Concert Band
[2901] The Gathering of the Ranks at Hebron
Mercury - Van Der Roost